Ace actor and film-maker Kamal Haasan has confirmed in a recent interview that out of his upcoming movies, "Uthama Villain" will be the first to see the light, followed by "Papanasam" and the long-awaited sequel, "Vishwaroopam 2".
Out of the three, "Vishwaroopam 2" was the first to begin shooting, but the computer graphics of the film is yet to be completed, leading to the delay of its release.
In a recent interview with a daily, Kamal has said he has wrapped up the shooting of "Papanasam" and the team is currently in the stage of dubbing.
"Uttama Villain was completed first. However, in the industry, we have the rule of who came in first and gave me the money. That way, Vishwaroopam 2 is the eldest. But unfortunately, work is pending in Vishwaroopam 2. The pending work is all CG and not our fault," said Kamal Haasan in a candid interview with The Times of India.
"On the other hand, shooting for Papanasam is complete and I am dubbing for it now. So, as of now, it seems Uttama Villain, followed by Papanasam and then Vishwaroopam 2," he added.
However, Kamal has not given any confirmation regarding the release date of any of his movies. The buzz inside the industry is that the multi-starrer, "Uthama Villain", will hit the screens as a New Year release.
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