Jayaram, who is a popular actor in Malayalam as well as in Tamil, is also a good friend of the legendary actor Kamal Hassan. Both of them have shared their stories on friendship in many interviews and they have done quite a few movies together. Now, Jayaram is all more excited as he is one among the cast in the latest flick of Kamal Hassan. Yes, Jayaram will be seen in the upcoming movie of Kamal Hassan. The movie is titled Uthama Villain. Excited actor posted on his official Facebook page: Guess what ? I will be doing an important part in Ulaka Nayakan Kamal Haasan's Uttama Villain. Here is a snap from the shoot.
Uthama Villain is an upcoming Tamil comedy film directed by Ramesh Aravind and produced by N Lingusamy. The film is co-written and co-produced by Kamal Hassan. He plays the lead in the movie and Parvathi will be seen playing the female lead. Crazy Mohan has written the dialogues, while M Ghibran has composed the music. Meanwhile, there is a news claiming that Kamal Hassan will be once again seen in an upcoming Malayalam film. This will be a sequel to the movie Twenty 20. Mohanlal and Mammootty will also be seen playing the lead roles. Jayaram, who was a part of the earlier film, is still to make his presence confirmed in the movie. Dileep will be producing this flick.
Uthama Villain is an upcoming Tamil comedy film directed by Ramesh Aravind and produced by N Lingusamy. The film is co-written and co-produced by Kamal Hassan. He plays the lead in the movie and Parvathi will be seen playing the female lead. Crazy Mohan has written the dialogues, while M Ghibran has composed the music. Meanwhile, there is a news claiming that Kamal Hassan will be once again seen in an upcoming Malayalam film. This will be a sequel to the movie Twenty 20. Mohanlal and Mammootty will also be seen playing the lead roles. Jayaram, who was a part of the earlier film, is still to make his presence confirmed in the movie. Dileep will be producing this flick.
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