Kamal Haasan, who was launched as a mainstream hero in the Tamil film industry by the late K Balachander, was away in the US, when his mentor had passed away. The actor, who arrived in Chennai recently, took time out on Wednesday morning to visit the Iyakunar Sigaram's grieving family, along with Gauthami.
A source who was with Kamal at that time tells us, "Kamal sir visited the family — KB sir's wife, son and daughter Pushpa — to convey his condolences. They spent 45 minutes together, reminiscing about the director's days of glory. Kamal was understandably emotional as he spoke about his mentor — their interactions and discussions on the shooting spot, how they shared a great chemistry professionally as well as personally and how KB sir was ahead of his time."
The meeting was a private one. However, a few media persons had gathered outside KB's house after coming to know that the actor was there. So, he addressed them and remarked, "Avar vittu sendra paniyai oru maganaaga naan pinthodarven (I will continue his legacy, like a son would do). His death is a huge loss. The government must archive his films for posterity."
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