When the first look poster released for Uttama Villain, there was lot of buzz around the title. With Kamal behind it, the title would not be JUST a title. How far did I go in guessing what the movie is about?
Just like how Viswaroopam had an Arabic font around it, Uttama Villain's "Uttama" had a significance. It immediately reminded me about Villu Paatu which is very famous both in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Moreover, in the movie's second trailer we catch a glimpse of Villu Pattu Icon "Subbu Arumugam". This thought process was conveniently reconciled with excerpts of theTheyyam form of street drama.
Things panned out well at the fundamentals, when I found my next potential breakthrough just after the Audio Launch.
A special mention here about Ghibran who has delivered a high content album that packs so much within the boundaries of every 3-5 minute song.
In the two trailers that released we see pretty obvious references of Father and Son rift, a devilish Theyyam act and on Kamal's personal life as well. Then comes the kicker, a Theyyam play track titled "Iraniyan Nadagam" that starts with the "Kamal" baritone. Now who is Iraniyan? The answer to this question unveils so much possibilities about the movie itself.

Iraniyan was another name for Hiranyakashipu who is a significant mythological character in Indian Mythology. The most famous Vishnu Avatar had its reason to emerge because of this dubious Asura (Villain). So when did this villain become Uttama (top notch/best/pure etc.)?
In his previous birth, Hiranyakashipu was a sentry to Lord Vishnu. After being cursed by the Four Kumaras, he pleaded to Lord Vishnu to lift this curse. The curse was to have him being born on earth never to return to Vaikunta (Vishnu's abode). Here Lord Vishnu gave him two choices, first, to take seven births on earth as his devotee, second, to take three births on earth as his enemy. Unable to bear the thought of his separation from Vishnu for seven births, Hiranyakashipu accepted to take the three births as Vishnu's enemy. So here is your Uttaman. Moreover, once the sentry is born on earth as Hiranyakashipu, he gets a boon from Lord Brahma that he shall master death and no one shall be able to kill him. This is observed in the teaser itself where the famous Mruthyunjaya mantra kicks in. Mruthyunjaya ofcouse meaning "Winner of death/winning death" (Mruthyu = death + Jaya = win).
What more did I get as reconciliation? Iraniyan's death under the hands of Lord Vishnu (as Narasimha Avatar) was a result of Iraniyan trying to vanquish his son who was a Vishnu devotee. Iraniyan and Prahaladan(Iraniyan's son on earth) had clashes of opinions and this mounted to heated emotional arguments. We have a very similar flow in both the Trailers of Uttama Villain where the son questions the dad about his mother. We also see Kamal oozing emotion to his son at the end of the second trailer. What more? We have a dedicated Instrumental track called "Father & Son" that chants the "Mruthyunjaya" mantra!